

2024年06月07日 14:42  点击:[]

作物生产与经营管理(专科) 专业代码:410102


Crop production and management


The major crop production and management have been in operation for 41 consecutive years and are a key major with provincial characteristics. It aims to cultivate highly qualified and skilled professionals who uphold the basic line of the Party, adapt to the needs of tropical agricultural production, management, and extension services, and have the basic knowledge and practical skills required for industrial development positions or job groups of tropical crops (rubber, coffee, macadamia nuts and develop comprehensively in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. Graduation requires good social and professional ethics, professionalism, and the ability to master tropical crop cultivation, product processing, production management, product sales, technical promotion, and other professional knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to independently acquire and use new technologies or to participate in general post-secondary education for further study. The major courses include basic tropical crop cultivation, rubber tree cultivation, coffee cultivation, and primary processing, tropical cash crop cultivation, tropical crop processing, plant protection technology, professional cognition, and graduation internship. The professional teaching team consists of 37 teachers, including 18 full-time teachers, 3 professors, 5 associate professors, and 10 part-time teachers from industry and enterprises, with 83.3% of the teachers being dual-teacher type. Professional groups share 7 experimental training rooms and 62 hectares of teaching and scientific research as one of the comprehensive internship and training bases on campus, and 14 off-campus training bases with deep cooperation through the cooperation between school and enterprises and the combination of engineering, taking advantage of industry and industry.


上一条:食品科学与工程(专升本) 下一条:中草药栽培与鉴定(本科)


地址:云南省普洱市思茅区倚象镇帝泊洱大道中段        邮编:665099    

官方网站:www.wsysrx.com  招生电话:0879-3055339  就业电话:0879-3028687

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