

2022年06月30日 18:01  点击:[]


New Zealand Exchange Program (Accounting Major)


The major cultivates international applied talents suitable for cashier, accounting, computerized accounting, financial management, statistics, sales, and warehouse management in various enterprises, institutions, and administrative units at home and abroad. Main Courses (Domestic): Human Geography of New Zealand, Comprehensive English I-IV, English Phonetics I-II, English Speaking I-II, English Listening I-II, English Writing I-II, English Reading I-II, Accounting Principles, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing Practice, Statistical Practice, Accounting Computerization, Accounting Regulations, and Ethics, Computing Technology, Asset Valuation, Financial Application Writing Taxation regulations, finance and finance, securities investment, e-commerce, marketing, etc. Career Direction: Graduates of this major are suitable for cashier, accounting, accounting computerization, financial management, statistics, sales, and other jobs in foreign-related economic departments, enterprises, and government.

上一条:大数据与会计(专科) 下一条:国际经济与贸易中新三校合作“专升硕”学生交流项目(专科)


地址:云南省普洱市思茅区倚象镇帝泊洱大道中段        邮编:665099    

官方网站:www.wsysrx.com  招生电话:0879-3055339  就业电话:0879-3028687

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